@article{2017:jaberg:selbstrefl, title = {Selbstreflexiver Frieden – selbstreflexive Sicherheit?}, year = {2017}, note = {Peace and security are more or less synonyms. This opinion is often heard, but not true. Firstly, the history of concepts differs. Secondly, their immanent grammar or logic works contrarily: Peace is a social and inclusive idea that implies symmetrical patterns of relation, whereas security is an asocial and exclusive idea that tends to asymmetrical patterns of relation. Peace limits the ambitions of an actor, security does not. Peace excludes, security includes violent means as normal instruments. Therefore, people striving for peace will develop another epistemic attitude than people struggling for security. Usually, peace is more disposed to self-reflexivity than security is. But peace can lose its reflexive character, especially where it ends, whereas security can gain a reflexive moment, especially where existential problems cannot be solved without it. Nevertheless, the difference between both categories remains important: Peace prepares the way to self-reflexivity much better than security ever could.}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {169--173}, author = {Jaberg, Sabine}, volume = {35}, number = {4} }