@article{2017:wernert:franzsis, title = {Französische Rohstoffpolitik im Zeichen der Souveränität}, year = {2017}, note = {France is conceiving a new raw materials policy based on the desire to protect its supply from geopolitical turmoil. The main thrust goes towards creating an environment favourable to the reopening of mines in France itself, including overseas territories and underwater deposits. Further efforts are undergone on the EU level to stabilize the current market flows and in francophone Africa, where France can build on strong assets. Furthermore, the mobilization of research capacities aims at improving recycling and lowering the amount of raw materials considered critical. While the policy did not yield immediate results, it may prove to be effective in the long term.}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {32--36}, author = {Wernert, Yann}, volume = {35}, number = {3} }