@article{2017:giessmann:euroatlant, title = {Euroatlantische Partnerschaft: entbehrlich, notwendig, möglich? Die NATO und Russland – vorwärts in die Vergangenheit}, year = {2017}, note = {With the emergence and spreading of a new conflict along familiar East-West fault lines, we are now facing a reality that has until recently been considered impossible. A new global arms race has already been set in motion. While Russia seems willing to use armed force to advance its strategic interests in its periphery and the Middle East, NATO has apparently returned to its founding principles of collective defence and deterrence. As a result, détente seems to be a trend of the past and Europe is entering a new phase of confrontation and instability. This article examines the current East-West conflict from the perspective of Euro-Atlantic relations. It argues in favour of working towards a common security policy based on the self-responsibility and self-confidence of all European nations.”}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {19--24}, author = {Giessmann, Hans-Joachim}, volume = {35}, number = {1} }