@article{2016:duarte:drugs_pir, title = {Drugs, Piracy and Sovereignty: Brazil, United States and European Union’s Security Perspectives for South Atlantic}, year = {2016}, note = {This paper proposes a review of the Brazilian perspective for South Atlantic maritime security to recognize and articulate the United States and European Union’s initiatives. First, the article shows the main threats to South Atlantic security, what sustains the argument that the current Brazilian perspective as inadequate and counterproductive. Second, the article points out the historical and conceptual backgrounds that qualify Brazil as a facilitator between Northern and Southern efforts for good governance of the South Atlantic. Finally, it points out United States and European Union initiatives that may deserve Brazilian attention and commitment.}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {185--190}, author = {Duarte, Erico}, volume = {34}, number = {3} }