@article{2016:bald:wie_wir, title = {„Wie wird Friede? “Zur Friedensethik von Dietrich Bonhoeffer}, year = {2016}, note = {Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was a member of the famous military resistance group against the Nazi regime of July, 20th, 1944; he was killed by the SS in KZ Flossenbürg. He saw the signs of the times, he stood up against racism and oppression, he fought for freedom, justice and peace. At the age of 25 - in 1931 - he delivered his first peace ethic document directed against Nazi ideology in politics and within the protestant church. His theological approach followed a social-oriented „Christian realism“ as basis for action: international disarmament, good neighborhood in Europe and reconciliation between the enemies of the Great War. Bonhoeffer acted as youth secretary of the „International Council of Christian Peace Movements” in Geneva. He gave a prominent speech in 1934 in Fanø (Denmark) in which he demanded a fundamental concept of global peace to overcome racial, historical and social differences between nations; he urged representatives of politics and churches to make peace („pacem facere“).}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {146--150}, author = {Bald, Detlef}, volume = {34}, number = {2} }