@article{2016:boege:climate_ch, title = {Climate Change and Planned Relocation in Oceania}, year = {2016}, note = {In Oceania, the resettlement of communities due to the effects of climate change is increasingly being considered, although numbers of actual relocations and of affected people are currently still small. Planned relocation is a specific form of climate change adaptation. Different types of planned relocation are conflict-prone to varying degrees. Whether the escalation of violent conflict can be prevented depends on good migration governance. In Oceania, migration governance is not an issue for state institutions alone, but also for non-state actors from civil society and the customary sphere. Conflict-sensitive migration governance thus should be based on the complementary efforts of state and non-state customary and civil society institutions.}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {60--65}, author = {Boege, Volker}, volume = {34}, number = {1} }