@article{2015:etzold:die_europ, title = {Die Europäische Union und die Arktis. Status quo und Handlungsperspektiven}, year = {2015}, note = {For several years now the EU has tried to strengthen its Arctic profile beyond its existing polar research activities. This attempt manifests itself in a number of official Arctic-related documents outlining the EU’s interests and political goals in the region, and the application to become a permanent observer in the Arctic Council (AC). Both approaches have to be questioned, however, as the EU’s Arctic profile was in practice only marginally enhanced in recent years. Thus, two questions have to be answered: (1) Why did the EU not succeed in developing a more pronounced Arctic profile? (2) What kind of alternative or complementary courses of action exist to support or increase the EU’s Arctic engagement?}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {7--11}, author = {Etzold, Tobias and Steinicke, Stefan}, volume = {33}, number = {3} }