@article{2015:juan:strangenes, title = {Strangeness as a Reality of Living Together}, year = {2015}, note = {This article attempts to critically analyse the social constructions of marriage migrants in Taiwan from the perspective of exclusion and inclusion. The naming of foreign/mainland brides is a by-product of Taiwanese identity. However, their self-naming as new migrant women is exposed to the risk of re-essentialization. Following the reflection on the categorizing even if positively made, it will discuss the possibility of exclusive individuality. Finally, this article will suggest that in addition to the idea of humanity and full citizenship “all are created equal”, the idea of otherness ”all are created different” should also be underlined.eng}, journal = {SozW Soziale Welt}, pages = {311--326}, author = {Juan, Hsiao-Mei}, volume = {66}, number = {3} }