@article{2021:bob:x_and_y_v_, title = {X and Y v Romania: A Partial Solution to an Impossible Dilemma?}, year = {2021}, note = {The issue of recognising the effects of gender affirmation is a controversial subject that the European Court of Human Rights often faces as a result of States’ reluctance in addressing such matter. This paper analyses the recent judgment of the European Court in the case of X and Y v. Romania, in which, by unanimously declaring the requirement of mandatory surgery for gender affirmation as contrary to Article 8 ECHR, the Court significantly increases the protection and autonomy of transgender people and takes an extremely important and positive step forward in respect to transgender rights in Europe.}, journal = {OER Osteuropa Recht}, pages = {438--452}, author = {Bob, Alexandra}, volume = {67}, number = {4} }