@article{2018:loew:a_tale_abo, title = {A Tale about Poland – Introduction to the Situation in Poland}, year = {2018}, note = {This article provides an in-depth insight into the “Polish peculiarities” that substantially continue to affect the current situation in the country - a country where the rule of law is in danger, where politics and society are dramatically divided, and where images of existent or invented enemies seem to dominate the political and cultural discourse. The article concludes that many questions remain open regarding the respect for the rule of law. The “tale of Poland” is not yet finished: there are several possible scenarios for Poland, ranging from progressing radicalization, to maneuvering of the government in order to satisfy the EU as well as the domestic national-Catholics, to the destruction of the government camp and the return of a majority of the electorate towards pro-European, liberal politics.}, journal = {OER Osteuropa Recht}, pages = {600--606}, author = {Loew, Peter Oliver}, volume = {64}, number = {4} }