@article{2018:woowski:das_polnis, title = {Das polnische Insolvenzregister}, year = {2018}, note = {In Poland, currently legislative work is being carried out in order to establish a national register of debtors. The main objective of such a register comprises publishing information on entities who are encumbered with debts. This register will be handled by the tele-information system, of which the country’s justice secretary is in charge (art. 1 KZR). In accordance with art. 4 KZR every individual is entitled to familiarize himself/herself with the information that is published in the register, as well as with the information that is published online. The register will contain information on individuals, corporate bodies as well as organizational units that do not constitute corporate bodies, but that are vested with legal capacity, where such information is related to previous or current legal proceedings listed in the following: a) reorganization proceedings under the Act on Reorganization of May 15, 2015; b) bankruptcy proceedings, including, but not limited to, secondary proceedings, c) proceedings involving the imposition of a ban within the meaning of art. 373 (1) of the Polish Act on Bankruptcy of February 28, 2003, d) proceedings regarding the acknowledgement of a court ruling on the initiation of foreign bankruptcy proceedings (art. 2 (1) pt. 1 KRZ). According to the proposed wording of art. 53 (1) of the Act of July 27, 2001, on the Organization of Ordinary Courts of Law, the justice secretary established and is maintaining the tele-information system - and within the same - the respective court proceedings along with proceedings regarding filing and their processing. The main objective of this tele-information system lies in the improvement of the work of the courts regarding bankruptcy and reorganization cases.}, journal = {OER Osteuropa Recht}, pages = {291--299}, author = {Wołowski, Przemyslaw}, volume = {64}, number = {2} }