@article{2018:drakokhrust:legal_aspe, title = {Legal Aspects of Online Shops in Ukraine}, year = {2018}, note = {For the citizens of Ukraine, online stores have appeared not so long ago, but they became quite popular within a relatively short period of time. According to statistics, every third inhabitant of Europe makes purchases of goods using the Internet. The trade in goods through the Internet is increasing and, most likely, will continue to grow. This articles intends to shed light on the rules and procedures of trading through the Internet in Ukraine, in particular on the Act of Ukraine “On e-commerce”, which was adopted in September 2015 by the Ukrainian Parliament, following a request from a wide range of entrepreneurs as well as consumers for the settlement of relations for the purchase of goods, works or services on the Internet. The article continues to outline features of the conclusion of an electronic contract, the various methods of payment and delivery of goods and aspects revolving around the responsibility of owners of online shops.}, journal = {OER Osteuropa Recht}, pages = {177--187}, author = {Drakokhrust, Tetiana}, volume = {64}, number = {2} }