@article{2018:sloma:besonderhe, title = {Besonderheiten bei der Umsetzung der zivilrechtlichen Verpflichtung von Bürgen und Garanten im ukrainischen Recht}, year = {2018}, note = {Fulfilling obligations constitutes a key element in the law of liability and obligations. This article firstly analyses the fulfillment of obligation by a bailsman, in particular in accordance with art. 553 Civil Code of Ukraine (CCU) with special focus on the pertaining obligations to which the bailsman is subject to. The article also outlines the distinction of several types of liability in the context of bails, i. e. joint and several against subsidiary liability. The article continues to outline the fulfillment of obligation by a guarantor, in contrast - in particular in accordance with art. 560 CCU. In this chapter, emphasis is also placed on questions arising from the potential refusal on the part of the guarantor to fulfil the obligation in question, and also the characteristics in the context of guarantor liability.}, journal = {OER Osteuropa Recht}, pages = {161--176}, author = {Sloma, Valentina}, volume = {64}, number = {2} }