@article{2005:migliore:john_paul_, title = {John Paul II. - A Great Communicator of Our Times}, year = {2005}, note = {In his long diplomatic service of the Holy See around the world the author experienced Pope John Paul II. as Pontifex Massmediaticus. Never before was a pope more in the media glare than John Paul, never did a pope use the media as effectively to convey his message. For his success the following characteritics were imperative: his sociable and warm manners, his multilinguality, his comforting gestures and his interest in cultural diversity. Last but not least, he also had one important communicative idiosyncracy: to follow the logic and modalities of the bible which are not exactly those of the massmedia.}, journal = {Communicatio Socialis (ComSoc)}, pages = {291--296}, author = {Migliore, Celstino}, volume = {38}, number = {3} }