@article{1993:zukowski:pastoral_c, title = {Pastoral communications planning: perspectives and challanges}, year = {1993}, note = {different perspective to take. Now, however the economic recession and the down-sizing of dioceses is having a direct impact on the structure, administwtion and vision of all ministries in dioceses across the United States. Diocesan Church communication, especially, is having a difficult time surviving under the present conditions.1 This article is an attempt to reflect on our present situation. It is not a comprehensive study, but rather a basis for dialogue and reflection. The primary question before us is: "What have we learned from the past and what insights does the past offer us for the future?" (...)}, journal = {Communicatio Socialis (ComSoc)}, pages = {40--54}, author = {Zukowski, Angela}, volume = {26}, number = {1} }