@article{1992:white:twenty_yea, title = {Twenty years of evolution in the Church's thinking about communications}, year = {1992}, note = {"Aetatis Novae" is presented as a commemoration of twenty years since Communio et Progressio, and it takes as its starting point the theological framework of Communio et Progressio. "Aetatis Novae" announces itself as a document quite modest in comparison with its predecessor. There is little of the sweeping theological vistas, comprehensive public philosophy of media, and Iandmark guidelines of ecclesial communication outlined in Communio et Progressio (CP). In this pastoral instruction, the Ieaders of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication "simply wish to pravide a working tool and a measure of encouragement to those confronting the pastoral implications of the new realities of (social communication)"1 The tone of "Aetatis Novae" is more tentative, preferring to outline themes for further reflection and discussion in the local church rather than pravide definitive answers. (...) }, journal = {Communicatio Socialis (ComSoc)}, pages = {248--262}, author = {White, Robert}, volume = {25}, number = {3} }