@article{1982:ugboajah:oramedia, title = {"Oramedia" or Traditional Media as Effective Communication Options for Rural Development in Africa}, year = {1982}, note = {There is often controversy even among Africans interested in the subject, on the best way to define and what to include in "Oramedia" or traditional/folk media. Perhaps the way to illustrate symbolically what folk media are is to take the way the African villager often explains hirnself teil a story: A British Governor once sat on the stool of the Kingof Ashanti as a way of communicating his authority as the representative of Queen Victoria of England. But the significance of the stool in the mind of the people of Ashanti was reverence, as being not an appurtenance of the kingly office, but that of an embodiment of the nation's soul. They were insulted. They were provoked. They went home and prepared for war! (...) }, journal = {Communicatio Socialis (ComSoc)}, pages = {211--221}, author = {Ugboajah, Frank}, volume = {15}, number = {3} }