@article{1980:lent:the_missio, title = {The Missionary Press of Asia, 1550 - 1860}, year = {1980}, note = {Nearly any student ofthe history ofprinting in the West knows ofthe close linksthatwere forged between Christianity and the early presses. They know that Gutenberg'sfirst major work was a Bible and that the first publications that came off many presses in the Christianized West were religious books and tracts. But what has remained relatively obscure is the impact ofChristianity upon the establishmentofthe firstpresses in many non-Christian nations. Asia is an example. In countryafter country in Asia, Catholic and Protestant missionaries were responsible for setting up the first printing presses and/or publishing the first periodicals. (...) }, journal = {Communicatio Socialis (ComSoc)}, pages = {119--141}, author = {Lent, John}, volume = {13}, number = {2} }