@article{1978:namwaga:communicat, title = {Communications Environment in Africa}, year = {1978}, note = {A Canadian White Father in Uganda said: "I would give 20 years of my life fora 30-second bicycle ride through the mind of an African." A Kenyan layman said:"We Africans have forgotten the traditions and customs of our grandparents."After working 30 years in Zambia an Irish Capuchin priest advised a newly-arrivedpriest: "Here in Afnica you should live with a sense of humor and a s,ense of wonder." President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania said: "We have problems but we remain cheerful." (...) }, journal = {Communicatio Socialis (ComSoc)}, pages = {45--53}, author = {Namwaga, Thomas and Healy, Joseph}, volume = {11}, number = {1} }