Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung

Edited by: Prof. Dr. Stefan Böschen, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gramelsberger, Prof. Dr. Jörg Niewöhner, Prof. Dr. Heike Weber

Science and technology are crucial drivers of societal change. Yet, a paradox is embedded in the current situation. On the one hand, it seems that societies are more dependent than ever on science and technology to solve social problems. On the other hand, scientific and technological contributions are deeply controversial, right up to the denial of their significance. It also seems that with developments like digitalisation and climate change or the environmental crisis, changes in science and technology are intimately connected with changes in society—and vice versa. The exact reach of these presumed shifts is a matter for empirical and conceptual inquiry—but already various complex phenomena, like emotive public outbursts, resistance and criticism, can be observed. Controversies and criticism about the forms, limitations and consequences of science and technology alike have become more intense. However, it also seems that there are shifts in the epistemic tectonics of contemporary societies.
Against this backdrop, the series of publications entitled ‘Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung’ (Science and Technology Studies) provides a forum in which these developments can be researched in different dimensions, with diverse approaches from across the entire spectrum of science and technology studies. What kind of significant changes to scientific knowledge production and the genesis, production and application of technology can currently be observed? How could these be analysed in the best way and what scientific instruments and methods must be developed for this purpose? In order to find answers to these questions, theories and methods from various thematically relevant disciplines, especially from sociology, philosophy, social anthropology and history, will be applied. This may result in an integral or rather agonistic science and technology studies programme. In any case, it will generate a better self-understanding of science and technology studies within this series. The series provides both foundational knowledge in the all scientific disciplines involved as well as guidelines for decision makers and all those interested in this subject area.

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