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Michael Erler, Jan Erik Heßler, Federico M. Petrucci - Authority and Authoritative Texts in the Epicurean Tradition

Authority and Authoritative Texts in the Epicurean Tradition

Series: Epicurea
Volume 5 2023 Schwabe, Basel / Berlin
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Jula Wildberger - The Stoics and the State

The Stoics and the State

Volume 105 2018 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Monika Hinterberger - Eine Spur von Glück

Eine Spur von Glück

2020 Wallstein, Göttingen
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Gunda Werner, Saskia Wendel, Jessica Scheiper - Ewig wahr?

Ewig wahr?

Volume 332 2023 Herder, Freiburg
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Mariano Delgado, Gregor Emmenegger, Volker Leppin - Apologie, Polemik, Dialog

Apologie, Polemik, Dialog

2021 Schwabe, Basel / Berlin
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