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Browse Volumes: Anthropos
Anthropos Volume 110 (2015) Issue 2 ISSN Online: 2942-3139 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Christine Normann - The Influence of EU Member States on European Neighbourhood Policy

The Influence of EU Member States on European Neighbourhood Policy

2014 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Beate Neuss, Antje Nötzold - The Southern Mediterranean

The Southern Mediterranean

Volume 85 2015 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Stefan Leder - Crossroads between Latin Europe and the Near East: Corollaries of the Frankish Presence in the Eastern Mediterranean (12th-14th centuries)
Stefan Leder (ed.)

Crossroads between Latin Europe and the Near East: Corollaries of the Frankish Presence in the Eastern Mediterranean (12th-14th centuries)

Volume 24 2011 Ergon, Baden-Baden
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Ayhan Bilgin, Armagan Öztürk - Political Culture of Turkey in the Rule of the AKP | Politische Kultur der Türkei in der Herrschaft der AKP

Political Culture of Turkey in the Rule of the AKP | Politische Kultur der Türkei in der Herrschaft der AKP

2016 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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