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Nader El-Bizri, Eva Orthmann - The Occult Sciences in Pre-modern Islamic Cultures

The Occult Sciences in Pre-modern Islamic Cultures

Volume 138 2018 Ergon, Baden-Baden
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Stefan Leder - Crossroads between Latin Europe and the Near East: Corollaries of the Frankish Presence in the Eastern Mediterranean (12th-14th centuries)
Stefan Leder (ed.)

Crossroads between Latin Europe and the Near East: Corollaries of the Frankish Presence in the Eastern Mediterranean (12th-14th centuries)

Volume 24 2011 Ergon, Baden-Baden
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Hakan Özkan - Geschichte des östlichen zagal

Geschichte des östlichen zagal

Volume 6 2020 Ergon, Baden-Baden
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Dina El Omari, Asmaa El Maaroufi, Katajun Amirpur - Eine Frage des Geschlechts?

Eine Frage des Geschlechts?

Series: Islam & Gender
Volume 3 2023 Ergon, Baden-Baden
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Nefeli Papoutsakis, Syrinx von Hees - The Sultan's Anthologist - Ibn Abi Hagalah and His Work

The Sultan's Anthologist - Ibn Abi Hagalah and His Work

Volume 3 2017 Ergon, Baden-Baden
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