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Melissa Edmiston Johnson, Thomas C. Weeks, Jennifer Putnam Davis - Integrating Pop Culture into the Academic Library

Integrating Pop Culture into the Academic Library

2022 Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham
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Bob Batchelor - Stan Lee

Stan Lee

2022 Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham
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Bob Batchelor - Stan Lee

Stan Lee

2022 Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham
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Communicatio Socialis (ComSoc)

Communicatio Socialis (ComSoc)

ComSoc Volume 31 (1998) Issue 3 ISSN Online: 2198-3852 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Senta Siewert - Entgrenzungsfilme – Jugend, Musik, Affekt, Gedächtnis

Entgrenzungsfilme – Jugend, Musik, Affekt, Gedächtnis

Volume 42 2013 Schüren, Marburg
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