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Sara Binay, Stefan Leder - Translating the Bible into Arabic: historical, text-critical and literary aspects
Sara Binay (ed.), Stefan Leder (ed.)

Translating the Bible into Arabic: historical, text-critical and literary aspects

Volume 131 2012 Ergon, Baden-Baden
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Florian Kohstall, Carola Richter, Sarhan Dhouib, Fatima Kastner - Academia in Transformation

Academia in Transformation

2018 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Philipp Hegel - Gezähmtes Lesen, wildes Schreiben

Gezähmtes Lesen, wildes Schreiben

Volume 1 2024 Wallstein, Göttingen
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Anja Marschall, Andreas Schüle - Exodus und Erzeltern in Deuterojesaja

Exodus und Erzeltern in Deuterojesaja

2023 EVA, Leipzig
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