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Ali Emrah Bozbayindir - Turkey and the International Criminal Court

Turkey and the International Criminal Court

Volume 5 2013 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Francisco Schertel Mendes - Leniency Policies in the Prosecution of Economic Crimes and Corruption

Leniency Policies in the Prosecution of Economic Crimes and Corruption

Volume 48 2021 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Mahulena Hofmann, Andreas Loukakis - Ownership of Satellites

Ownership of Satellites

Volume 9 2017 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Dana Schirwon - The obscurities of jus ad bellum proportionality and its interplay with jus in bello

The obscurities of jus ad bellum proportionality and its interplay with jus in bello

Volume 27 2024 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Khrushchev Ekwueme - Protection of Foreign Investment in Context

Protection of Foreign Investment in Context

Volume 496 2007 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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