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Vanessa Höving, Katja Holweck, Thomas Wortmann - Christoph Schlingensief: Resonanzen

Christoph Schlingensief: Resonanzen

2020 edition t+k, München
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Betty Schulz - The Fractured Subject

The Fractured Subject

2023 Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham
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Henning Engelke - Metaphern einer anderen Filmgeschichte

Metaphern einer anderen Filmgeschichte

2018 Schüren, Marburg
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JMS Jugend Medien Schutz-Report

JMS Jugend Medien Schutz-Report

JMS Volume 46 (2023) Issue 1 ISSN Online: 2942-3287 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Timothy J. McNeil - The Exhibition and Experience Design Handbook

The Exhibition and Experience Design Handbook

2023 Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham
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