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Rüdiger Landfester - Staat ohne Nation

Staat ohne Nation

2020 Aisthesis, Bielefeld
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 Detlef Döring - Samuel Pufendorf in der Welt des 17. Jahrhunderts

Samuel Pufendorf in der Welt des 17. Jahrhunderts

Volume 269 2012 Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main
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Claudia Ulbrich, Richard Wittmann - Fashioning the Self in Transcultural Settings

Fashioning the Self in Transcultural Settings

Volume 17 2015 Ergon, Baden-Baden
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Antje von Ungern-Sternberg, Christian Walter - Transformation of Church and State Relations in Great Britain and Germany

Transformation of Church and State Relations in Great Britain and Germany

Volume 4 2013 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Ralf von den Hoff, Felix Heinzer, Hans W. Hubert, Anna Schreurs-Morét - Imitatio heroica

Imitatio heroica

Volume 1 2015 Ergon, Baden-Baden
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