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Morals & Machines

Morals & Machines

Browse Volumes: Morals & Machines
Morals & Machines Volume 2 (2022) Issue 2 ISSN Online: 2747-5182 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Shin Matsuzawa, Kimmo Nuotio - Methodology of Criminal Law Theory: Art, Politics or Science?

Methodology of Criminal Law Theory: Art, Politics or Science?

Volume 4 2021 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Luiz Felipe Rosa Ramos - Antitrust and the Multivalued Function of Competition

Antitrust and the Multivalued Function of Competition

Volume 14 2021 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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 Matthias Herdegen - The Dynamics of International Law in a Globalised World

The Dynamics of International Law in a Globalised World

Series: Recht als Kultur
Volume 14 2016 Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main
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Guido Rossi - Ordinatio ad Casum

Ordinatio ad Casum

Volume 339 2023 Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main
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