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Ergebnisse (10583)
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Seite 4
Juan D. Lindau - Surveillance and the Vanishing Individual

Surveillance and the Vanishing Individual

2022 Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham
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Constanze Semmelmann - Social Policy Goals in the Interpretation of Article 81 EC

Social Policy Goals in the Interpretation of Article 81 EC

2008 Nomos, Baden-Baden
Treffer in den folgenden Teilen:
Christian Scholz, Joachim Zentes - Beyond Sustainability
Christian Scholz (Hrsg.), Joachim Zentes (Hrsg.)

Beyond Sustainability

2014 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Haxhi Gashi - A Comparative Analysis of the Transformation of State/Social Property

A Comparative Analysis of the Transformation of State/Social Property

Band 66 2013 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Adalbert Evers, Annette Zimmer - Third Sector Organizations Facing Turbulent Environments
Adalbert Evers (Hrsg.), Annette Zimmer (Hrsg.)

Third Sector Organizations Facing Turbulent Environments

Band 7 2010 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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