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Seite 4
Olaf Deinert - International Labour Law under the Rome Conventions

International Labour Law under the Rome Conventions

Band 2017 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Tatyana Filipova - The Concept of Integrated Financial Supervision and Regulation of Financial Comglomerates in Germany and the United Kingdom

The Concept of Integrated Financial Supervision and Regulation of Financial Comglomerates in Germany and the United Kingdom

Band 48 2007 Nomos, Baden-Baden
Treffer in den folgenden Teilen:
C. Hugo, Thomas M.J. Möllers - Transnational impacts on law: perspectives from South Africa and Germany
C. Hugo (Hrsg.), Thomas M.J. Möllers (Hrsg.)

Transnational impacts on law: perspectives from South Africa and Germany

Band 86 2017 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies

JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies

JEEMS Jahrgang 6 (2001) Heft 1 ISSN Online: 1862-0019 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Katharina Artinger - Taxing Consumption in the Digital Age

Taxing Consumption in the Digital Age

Band 74 2020 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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