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Bernd Kannowski, Kerstin Steiner - Regional Human Rights
Bernd Kannowski (Hrsg.), Kerstin Steiner (Hrsg.)

Regional Human Rights

2021 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Maria-Artemis Kolliniati - Human Rights and Positive Obligations to Healthcare

Human Rights and Positive Obligations to Healthcare

Band 196 2019 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Despoina Glarou - The Impact of Naturalistic and Legal Positivist Doctrines on the Implementation of International Human Rights Treaty Law

The Impact of Naturalistic and Legal Positivist Doctrines on the Implementation of International Human Rights Treaty Law

Band 899 2017 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Walter Schweidler - Human Rights and Natural Law

Human Rights and Natural Law

Band 21 2012 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Tone Linn Wærstad - Protecting Muslim Minority Women's Human Rights at Divorce

Protecting Muslim Minority Women's Human Rights at Divorce

Band 2 2017 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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