Non-Contractual Liabilities from Civilian Versions of GNSS
Current Trends, Legal Challenges and Potential
The present book examines the question of civil liability emanating from the provision of erroneous broad-casted navigational signals. Amongst its core aspects is the topical issue of liability connected to the provision of defective information, especially during the development of the EU’s Galileo program. The book revolves around the examination of forms of (non-contractual) liability associated with the provision of erroneous navigational signals and with particular emphasis on the EU’s Galileo, the EU’s initiative in the field of satellite navigation. The issue of non-contractual liability from the provision of erroneous broadcasted Galileo signals is being tackled from both a de lege lata and a de lege ferenda perspective. The study concludes by arguing that arbitration could be a possible solution of the resolution of future non-contractual liability claims concerned with the provision of Galileo signals in the foreseeable future, in light of the remarkable progression that has been undergone lately in the use of alternative methods of dispute resolution, especially in fields with interdisciplinary nature.
Das Buch untersucht die Frage nach der Haftungspflicht, die von der Bereitstellung von Navigationssignalen ausgeht. Insbesondere wird dabei die Entwicklung des Galileo-Programms zur Satellitennavigation der EU untersucht sowie die Haftungsansprüche, die gerade von fehlerhafter Kommunikation und Information ausgehen. Zudem bietet das Werk Lösungsansätze bei Streitfällen auf Basis der internationalen Schlichtungsmodelle.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 103–240 Second part: Non-contractual liabilities from civilian versions of GNSS (De Lege Lata) 103–240
- 357–370 Bibliography 357–370