The TRIPS Agreement Implementation in Brazil
Patents in the Pharmaceutical Area
Diese Studie liefert eine Analyse der brasilianischen Patentrechts, das sich im Einklang mit den Vorgaben des Übereinkommens über handelsbezogene Aspekte der Rechte des geistigen Eigentums (TRIPS) befindet. Der Leser erhält detaillierte Kenntnisse über das brasilianische System der Patente im pharmazeutischen Bereich.
Diese Studie liefert eine Analyse der brasilianischen Patentrechts, das sich im Einklang mit den Vorgaben des Übereinkommens über handelsbezogene Aspekte der Rechte des geistigen Eigentums (TRIPS) befindet. Der Leser erhält detaillierte Kenntnisse über das brasilianische System der Patente im pharmazeutischen Bereich.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 235–274 Bibliography 235–274
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- Treaty establishing the European Community, of March 25, 1957, consolidated version of December 24, 2002, available at <> (Last visited June 7, 2012).
- 2. Brazilian Legislation and Bills of Law
- Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, available at <çao.htm> (Last visited August 28, 2008).
- (cited: Federal Constitution)
- Lei N. 12529, of November 30, 2011, on competition law, published in the Official Gazette on November 1, 2011, rectified on Decembre 2, 2011, available at <> (Last visited November 1, 2012).
- (cited: Law 10973/2006)
- Lei N. 12270, of June 24, 2010, on measures suspending concessions or other obligations from Brazil concerning intellectual property rights and other in case of non-compliance of obligations under the World Trade Organization, published in the Official Gazette on June 25, 2010, available at <> (Last visited December 29, 2010).
- (cited: Law 12270/2010)
- Lei N. 11100, of January 25, 2005, 2005 Annual Budget Law, published in the Official Gazette on January 26, 2005, available at <> (Last visited November 21, 2012).
- (cited: 2005 Annual Budget Law)
- Lei N. 10973, of December 2, 2004, on technology innovation fostering measures, published in the Official Gazette on December 3, 2004, available at <> (Last visited August 28, 2008).
- (cited: Law 10973/2006)
- Lei N. 9782, of January 26, 1999, creating the ANVISA, published in the Official Gazette on January 27, 1999, available at <> (Last visited December 2, 2008).
- (cited: Law 9782/1999)
- Lei N. 9456, of April 25, 1997, on cultivars protection, published in the Official Gazette on April 8, 1997, available at <> (Last visited June 27, 2012).
- (cited: Law 9456/1997)
- Lei N. 9313, of November 13, 1996, on the free distribution of anti-AIDS drugs, published in the Official Gazette on November 14, 1996, available at <> (Last visited November 21, 2012).
- (cited: Law 9313/1996)
- Lei N. 9279, of May 14, 1996, on industrial property rights, published in the Official Gazette on May 15, 1996, as amended by Law N. 10196, of February 14, 2001, published in the Official Gazette on February 16, 2001, available at <> (Last visited August 28, 2008).
- (cited: Law 9279/1996, Industrial Property Law or patent statute)
- Lei N. 8884, of June 11, 1994, on competition law, published in the Official Gazette on June 13, 1994, available at <> (Last visited December 1, 2008).
- (cited: Law 8884/1994)
- Lei N. 5772, of December 21, 1971, the Industrial Property Code, on industrial property rights, published in the Official Gazette on December 31, 1971, available at <> (Last visited August 28, 2008).
- (cited: Industrial Property Code or Law 5772/1971)
- Lei N. 5648, of December 11, 1970, creating the INPI, published in the Official Gazette on December 14, 1970, available at <> (Last visited November 19, 2008).
- (cited: Law 5648/1970)
- Medida Provisória N. 2105-14, of January 26, 2000, amending the industrial property law, published in the Official Gazette on January 27, 2000, available at <> (Last visited November 20, 2008).
- (cited: Provisional Measure 2104-14/2000)
- Medida Provisória N. 2014-1, of December 30, 1999 (and its several re-editions) amending the industrial property law, published in the Official Gazette on December 31, 1999, available at <> (Last visited November 20, 2008).
- (cited: Provisional Measure 2014/1999)
- Medida Provisória N. 2006, of December 14, 1999, amending the industrial property law, published in the Official Gazette on December 15, 1999, available at <> (Last visited November 20, 2008).
- (cited: Provisional Measure 2006/1999)
- Medida Provisória N. 482, of February 10, 2010, on measures suspending concessions or other obligations from Brazil concerning intellectual property rights and other in case of non-compliance of obligations under the World Trade Organization, published in the Official Gazette on February 11, 2010, available at <> (Last visited December 29, 2010).
- (cited: Provisional Measure 482/2010)
- Decreto-Lei N. 1005, of October 21, 1969, regulating industrial property rights, published in the Official Gazette on October 21, 1969, available at <> (Last visited November 18, 2008).
- (cited: DL 1005/1969)
- Decreto-Lei N. 254, of February 28, 1967, regulating industrial property rights, published in the Official Gazette on February 28, 1967, available at <> (Last visited November 18, 2008).
- (cited: DL 254/1967)
- Decreto-Lei N. 7093, of August 27, 1945, regulating industrial property rights, published in the Official Gazette on September 29, 1945, available at <> (Last visited November 18, 2008).
- (cited: DL 7093/1945)
- Decreto-Lei N. 3365, of June 21, 1941, on expropriation for public utility, published in the Official Gazette on July 18, 1941, available at <> (Last visited December 2, 2008).
- (cited: DL 3365/1941)
- Decreto N. 6108, of May 4, 2007, on the grant of compulsory license on the patents on the drug Efavirenz for public interest, published in the Official Gazette on May 7, 2007, available at <> (Last visited August 28, 2008).
- (cited: Decree 6108/2007)
- Decreto N. 5563, of October 11, 2005, on technology innovation fostering measures, published in the Official Gazette on October 13, 2005, available at <> (Last visited August 28, 2008).
- (cited: Decree 5563/2005)
- Decreto N. 3201, of October 6, 1999, on the grant of compulsory licenses in cases of national emergency or public interest, published in the Official Gazette on December 22, 1999, as amended by Decree N. 4830, of September 4, 2003, published in the Official Gazette on September 5, 2003, available at <> (Last visited August 28, 2008).
- (cited: Decree 3201/1999)
- Decreto N. 1355, of December 30, 1995, on the incorporation into the Brazilian legislation of the Final Minutes of the Results of the Uruguay Round of the GATT Negotiations which created the WTO, published in the Official Gazette on December 31, 1994, available at <> (Last visited November 18, 2008).
- (cited: Decree 1355/1995)
- Decreto N. 1263, of October 10, 1994, on the incorporation into the Brazilian legislation of the Stockholm Revision of the Paris Convention for the protection of industrial property, published in the Official Gazette on October 11, 1994, available at <> (Last visited November 27, 2008).
- (cited: Decree 1263/1994)
- Decreto Legislativo N. 30, of December 15, 1994, by the Congress, approving the Final Minutes of the Results of the Uruguay Round of the GATT Negotiations which created the WTO, published in the Official Gazette on December 19, 1994, available at <> (Last visited November 27, 2008).
- (cited: DLG 30/1994)
- Portaria Interministerial N. 1.956, of August 16, 2011, by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade and the General Attorney’s Office, on the execution of article 229-C of Law 9279/96, published in the Official Gazette on August 17, 2011, available at <> (Last visited July 3, 2012).
- (cited: Interministerial Ordinance 1956/2011)
- Portaria Interministerial N. 2.584, of November 1, 2011, by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade and the General Attorney’s Office, prorogating the term set forth on article 4 of Interministerial Ordinance 1956/2011, published in the Official Gazette on November 3, 2011, available at <> (Last visited July 3, 2012).
- (cited: Interministerial Ordinance 2584/2011)
- Portaria Interministerial N. 1.065, of May 24, 2012, by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade and the General Attorney’s Office, publishing the final report of the interministerial group, published in the Official Gazette on May 25, 2012, available at <> (Last visited July 3, 2012).
- (cited: Interministerial Ordinance, 1065/2012)
- Portaria N. 681, of April 8, 2008, by the Ministry of Health, declaring the anti-HIV drug Tenofovir of public interest, published in the Official Gazette on April 9, 2008, available at <> (Last visited November 21, 2012).
- (cited: Ordinance 681/2008)
- Portaria N. 985, of June 24, 2005, by the Ministry of Health, declaring the anti-HIV drug containing lopinavir and ritonavir as associated active ingredients (Kaletra) of public interest, published in the Official Gazette on June 27, 2005, available at <> (Last visited June 17, 2010).
- (cited: Ordinance 985/2005)
- Portaria N. 239, of May 17, 2001, by the ANVISA, changing ANVISA’s internal regulations and creating the Intellectual Property Division, published in the Official Gazette on May 21, 2001, available at <> (Last visited November 19, 2008).
- (cited: Ordinance 239/2001)
- Portaria N. 593, of August 25, 2000, by the ANVISA, changing ANVISA’s internal regulations, published in the Official Gazette on December 22, 2000, available at <> (Last visited November 19, 2008).
- (cited: Ordinance 593/2000)
- Resolução N. 80, of March 19, 2013, by the INPI, ruling on prioritization of examinations of patent applications of pharmaceutical products and processes as well as equipments and material in relation to public health care, published in the Official Gazette on April 9, 2013, available at <> (Last visited May 5, 2013).
- (cited: Resolution 80/2013)
- Resolução-RDC N. 21, of April 10, 2013, by the ANVISA, modifying Resolution-RDC 45/2008, regulating the “prior consent” procedure, published in the Official Gazette on April 15, 2013, available at <> (Last visited May 5, 2013).
- (cited: Resolution-RDC 21/2013)
- Resolução-RDC N. 45, of June 23. 2008, by the ANVISA, regulating the “prior consent” procedure, published in the Official Gazette on June 23, 2008, available at <> (Last visited November 20, 2008).
- (cited: Resolution-RDC 45/2008)
- Mensagem ao Congresso Nacional N. 498, of July 1, 1994, seeking approval of the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the WTO, available at <> (Last visited June 2, 2012).
- (cited: Presidential Message to the National Congress n. 498)
- Ato Normativo N. 127, of March 5, 1997, by the INPI, on the application of the Industrial Property Statute relating to patents and certificates of invention addition, available at <> (Last visited June 27, 2012).
- (cited: Normative Act 127/97)
- Resolução N. 82, of November 22, 2001, by the INPI, on the conditions for habilitation of institutions as centers of biological material storage for the ends of patent proceedings, published in the Official Gazette on February 20, 2002, available at <> (Last visited June 27, 2012).
- (cited: Resolution 82)
- Projeto de Lei N. 5402, presented at the House of Representatives on April 18, 2013 to revoke sole paragraph of Article 40, modify articles 10, 13, 14, 31, 195 and 229-C of Law 9279/1996, available at <;jsessionid=D4616CD88355B4082B2C582AB58FF704.node1?codteor=1078755&filename=Tramitacao-PL+5402/2013> (Last visited February 23, 2014).
- (cited: Bill of Law 5402/2013)
- Projeto de Lei N. 3943, presented at the House of Representatives on May 24, 2012, to modify Article 229-C of Law 9279/1996, available at <> (Last visited November 1, 2012).
- (cited: Bill of Law 3943/2012)
- Projeto de Lei N. 3995, presented at the House of Representatives on September 3, 2008, to add items in Article 10 of the Law 9279/1996, available at <;jsessionid=29BDF24D7AD330DBFD98F2865B395F99.node2?codteor=596154&filename=PL+3995/2008> (Last visited November 1, 2012).
- (cited: Bill of Law 3995/2008)
- Projeto de Lei N. 3709, presented at the House of Representatives on July 9, 2008, to modify Article 229-C of the Law 9279/1996, available at <;jsessionid=318294CF8D89FCA98849FB2B7992FD02.node1?codteor=585006&filename=PL+3709/2008> (Last visited November 1, 2012).
- (cited: Bill of Law 3709/2008)
- Projeto de Lei N. 2511, presented at the House of Representatives on November 29, 2007, to modify Article 18, IV, of the Law 9279/1996, available at <> (Last visited November 1, 2012).
- (cited: Bill of Law 2511/2007)
- 3. United States of America Legislation
- 35 United States Code, Section 112, Amended November 14, 1975, available at <> (Last visited April 23, 2012).
- (cited: 35 USC Section 112)
- 4. Indian Legislation
- Patent Act as amended by Act No. 15 of April 4, 2005 published in The Gazette of India on April 5, 2005, available at <>. (Last visited May 6, 2012).
- Patent Act, of September 19, 1970, published in The Gazette of India on April 20, 1972, available at <> (Last visited June 2, 2012).
- (cited: Indian Patent Act)
- 5. Chilean Legislation
- Ley n. 19.039, estableciendo normas aplicables a los privilegios industriales y proteccion de los derechos de propiedad industrial, of January 24, 1991, published in the Chile‘s Republic Official Diary of January 25, 1991, available at <> (Last visited May 6, 2012).
- 6. Uruguayan Legislation
- Ley n. 10.089, of December 12, 1941, published in the Official Gazette of December 23, 1941, available at <> (Last visited May 6, 2012).
- 7. Argentinean Legislation
- Ley n. 24.481, of March 30, 1995, on Patents and Utility Models, published in the Argentinean Republic Official Bulletin of September 20, 1995, available at <> (Last visited May 20, 2012).
- 8. Cuban Legislation
- Decreto-Ley 68, of May 14, 1983, published in the Gaceta Oficial de la República de Cuba, edición extraordinaria, No. 10, of May 14,1983, available at <> (Last visited May 19, 2012).
- (cited: Cuban Law-Decree 68)
- Decreto-Ley 160, of June 9, 1995, to facilitate the presentation and modification of patents applications for pharmaceutical products and chemicals for agriculture, published in the Gaceta Oficial de la República de Cuba, of June 9, 1995, available at <> (Last visited May 19, 2012).
- (cited: Cuban Law-Decree 160)
- 9. Egyptian Legislation
- Law # 82, of June 3, 2002, Law on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, published in the Official Gazette of June 2, 2002, available at <> (Last visited May 19, 2012).
- 10. Pakistan Legislation
- Ordinance no. LXI, December 2, 2000, Patents Ordinance, of published in the Gazette of Pakistan of December 2, 2000, available at <> (Last visited May 19, 2012).
- 11. Qatari Legislation
- Law-Decree No. 30, of August 6, 2006, To Issue Patents Law, published in the Qatar Official Gazette of December 12, 2006, available at <> (Last visited May 19, 2012).
- 12. United Arab Emirates Legislation
- Federal Law No. 31 for the Year of 2006, of July 24, 2002,Pertaining to the Industrial Regulation and Protection of Patents, Industrial Drawings, and Designs, published in the United Arab Emirates Official Gazette of July 24, 2002, available at <> (Last visited May 19, 2012).
- 13. Swiss Legislation
- Ordinance N. 232.141, of October 19, 1977, on Patents for Inventions, published in the Official Gazette on October 19, 1977, available at <> (Last visited June 2, 2012).
- (cited: Swiss Ordinance 232.141)
- 14. Portuguese Legislation
- Decreto N. 52/91, of August 30, 1991, ratifying the European Patent Convention, published in the Republic Diary on August 30, 1991, available at <> (Last visited June 5, 2012).
- (cited: Portuguese Decree 52/91)
- 15. Spanish Legislation
- Ley N. 11/1986, of March 20, 1986, Patent Law, published in the Official Bulletin of Spain on March 26, 1986, available at <> (Last visited June 5, 2012).
- (cited: Spanish Law N. 11/1986)
- 16. Italian Legislation
- Legge N. 349/1991, of October 19, 1991, on provisions for the issue of a certificate of additional protection for medicines or its members, subject to patent, published in the Official Gazette on November 4, 1991, available at <> (Last visited June 5, 2012).
- (cited: Italian Law N. 349/1991)
- III. Cases
- 1. WTO cases
- Brazil – Measures Affecting Patent Protection. Request for Consultations by the United States, June 8, 2000 (WT/DS199/1). Request for Establishment of a Panel by the United States, January 9, 2001 (WT/DS199/3). Notification of Mutually Agreed Solution, July 19, 2001 (WT/DS199/4).
- Canada – Patent Protection of Pharmaceutical Products. Complaint by the European Communities and their Member States. Report of the Panel, March 17, 2000 (WT/DS114/R). Summary of key findings, February 24, 2010 (WTO/DS114).
- Canada – Term of Patent Protection. Request for the Establishment of a Panel by the United States, July 7, 1999 (WT/DS170/2). Report of the Panel, May 5, 2000 (WT/DS170/R). Report of the Appellate Body, September 18, 2000 (WT/DS170/AB/R). Summary of key findings, February 24, 2010 (WTO/DS170).
- European Communities – Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas. Recourse to Arbitration by the European Communities under Article 22.6 of the DSU, Decision by the Arbitrators, March 24, 2000 (WT/DS27/ARB/ECU). Summary of key findings, November 20, 2012 (WTO/DS27).
- India – Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products. Complaint filed by the United States. Report of the Panel, September 5, 1997 (WT/DS50/R). Report of the Appellate Body, December 19, 1997 (WT/DS50/AB/R). Summary of key findings, February 24, 2010 (WT/DS50).
- India – Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products. Complaint by the European Communities and their Member States. Report of the Panel, August 24, 1998 (WT/DS79/R). Summary of key findings, February 24, 2010 (WT/DS79).
- Indonesia — Certain Measures Affecting the Automobile Industry. Request for Consultations by the European Communities, October 3, 1996 (WT/DS54). Request for Consultations by Japan, October 4, 1996 (WT/DS55). Request for Consultations by Japan, November 29, 1996 (WT/DS64). Request for Consultations by the United States, October 8, 1996 (WT/DS59). Report of the Panel, July 2, 1998 (WT/DS55/R, WT/DS56/R, WT/DS59/R WT/DS64/R).
- United States – Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Service. Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU, Decision by the Arbitrator, Deceber 21, 2007 (WT/DS285/ARB).
- United States — Section 211 Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1998. Report of the Appellate Body, January 2, 2002 (WT/DS176/AB/R). Summary of key findings, February 24, 2010 (WT/DS176).
- United States – US Patents Code. Request for Consultations by Brazil, February 7, 2001 (WT/DS224/1).
- United States – Upland Cotton. Report of the Panel, September 8, 2004 (WT/DS267/R). Report of the Appellate Body, March 3, 2005 (WT/DS267/AB/R). Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Brazil, Report of the Panel, December 18, 2007, (WT/DS267/RW). Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Brazil, Report of the Appellate Body, June 2, 2008, (WT/DS267/RW). Summary of key findings (WTO/DS267). Communication from Brazil, October 15, 2008 (WT/DS267/38 and WT/DS267/39). Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU and Article 4.11 of the SCM Agreement, Decision by the Arbitrator, August 31, 2009 (WT/DS267/ARB/1).
- 2. Brazilian cases
- Supreme Court, en banc, HC 2.280, June 14, 1905.
- (cited: Supreme Court, HC 2.280)
- Supreme Court, Justice Lafayette de Andrada, AG 19621, June 10, 1958.
- (cited: Supreme Court, AG 19621)
- Supreme Court, en banc, RE 71.154, August 4, 1971.
- (cited: Supreme Court, RE 71.154)
- Supreme Court, en banc, RE 80.004, June 1, 1977.
- (cited: Supreme Court, RE 80.004)
- Supreme Court, Justice Celso de Mello, CR 8.279, May 14, 1998.
- (cited: Supreme Court, Rogatory Letter 8.279)
- Supreme Court, Justice Gilmar Mendes, Agravo Regimental na Suspensão de Liminar 47, March 17, 2010.
- (cited: Supreme Court, AR on Liminar Suspension 47)
- Supreme Court, Justice Cezar Peluso, Agravo Regimental na Suspensão de Tutela Antecipada 361, June 23, 2010.
- (cited: Supreme Court, AR on STA 361)
- Supreme Court, Justice Cezar Peluso, Agravo Regimental na Suspensão de Tutela Antecipada 328, June 24, 2010.
- (cited: Supreme Court, AR on STA 328)
- Superior Court of Justice, 4th Panel, Justice Fernando Gonçalves, REsp 423240/RJ, March 15, 2004, D.J.U. (cited: Superior Court of Justice, REsp 423.240)
- F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG. v ANVISA and INPI. J.F.R.J., 37th District Court of Rio de Janeiro, Process No. 2004.51.01.506840-0, judge Monique Calmon Biolchini, November 22, 2004, D.O.E.
- (cited: F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG. v ANVISA and INPI, Trial Court Judgment)
- Superior Court of Justice, 3rd Panel, Justice Carlos Alberto Menezes Direito, REsp 661536/RJ, April 7, 2005, D.J.U.
- (cited: Superior Court of Justice, REsp 661.536)
- Superior Court of Justice, 3rd Panel, Justice Castro Filho, REsp 667025/RJ, February 12, 2006, D.J.U.
- (cited: Superior Court of Justice, REsp 667.025)
- Gilead Sciences Inc. v INPI and ANVISA. 21th Federal Trial Court of Brasilia, Process No. 0000122-81.2010.4.01.3400, judge Hamilton de Sá Dantas. Available at <> (Last visited November 21, 2012).
- (cited: Gilead Sciences Inc. v INPI and ANVISA, Process Consultation on Trial Court Judgment)
- Cristália Produtos Químicos Farmacêutico Ltda., et al. v INPI. 09th Federal Trial Court of Rio de Janeiro, Process No. 0808389-54.2009.4.02.5101 (2009.51.01.808389-5), judge Ana Amelia Silveira Moreira Antoun Netto. (Last visited November 21, 2012).
- (cited: Cristália v INPI, Trial Court Process)
- Cristália Produtos Químicos Farmacêutico Ltda., et al. v INPI. 09th Federal Trial Court of Rio de Janeiro. Judgment. Process No. 0808389-54.2009.4.02.5101 (2009.51.01.808389-5), judge Ana Amelia Silveira Moreira Antoun Netto. (Last visited November 21, 2012).
- (cited: Cristália v INPI, Trial Court Judgment)
- Eli Lilly and Company v INPI. J.F.R.J., 35th District Court of Rio de Janeiro, Process No. 2005.51.01.507811-1, judge Guilherme Bollorini Pereira, November 29, 2007, D.O.E.
- (cited: Eli Lilly and Company v INPI, Trial Court Judgment)
- Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaften E.V. and Zentaris AG v INPI and ANVISA, J.F.R.J., 35th District Court of Rio de Janeiro, Process No. 2005.51.01.500427-9, judge Guilherme Bollorini Pereira, December 10, 2007, D.O.E.
- (cited: Max-Planck and Zentaris AG v INPI and ANVISA, Trial Court Judgement)
- Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaften E.V. and Zentaris AG v INPI and ANVISA. Federal Appellate Court for the 2nd Circuit TRF-2, Appeal No. 2005.51.01.500427-9, judge Messod Azulay Neto, June 6, 2010, D.J.E.
- (cited: Max-Planck and Zentaris AG v INPI and ANVISA, Appellate Court Judgement)
- Eli Lilly Company v INPI. Federal Appellate Court for the 2nd Circuit TRF-2, Appeal No. 0507811-09.2005.4.02.5101, judge Messod Azulay Neto, September 30, 2009, D.O.E.
- (cited: Eli Lilly v INPI, Appellate Court Judgement)
- Ministério Público Federal, Conectas Direitos Humano, IDEC, et al. v Abbott Laboratórios do Brasil Ltda., União Federal. 15th Federal Trial Court of Brasilia, initial appeal on Process No. 0035093-68.2005.4.01.3400 (2005.34.0.035604-3), submitted on December 1, 2005, judge João Luiz de Sousa. Available at < > (Last visited November 21, 2012).
- (cited: Ministério Público Federal v Abbott, Initial Appeal)
- Ministério Público Federal, Conectas Direitos Humano, IDEC, et al. v Abbott Laboratórios do Brasil Ltda., União Federal. 15th Federal Trial Court of Brasilia, preliminary injunction judgment on Process No. 0035093-68.2005.4.01.3400 (2005.34.0.035604-3), judge João Luiz de Sousa, June 1, 2006, D.O.E. Available at <> (Last visited November 21, 2012).
- (cited: Ministério Público Federal v Abbott, Preliminary Injunction Trial Court Judgment)
- Ministério Público Federal, Conectas Direitos Humano, IDEC, et al. v Abbott Laboratórios do Brasil Ltda., União Federal. 15th Federal Trial Court of Brasilia, Process No. 0035093-68.2005.4.01.3400 (2005.34.0.035604-3), judge João Luiz de Sousa. Available at <> (Last visited November 21, 2012).
- (cited: Ministério Público Federal v Abbott, Process Consultation on Trial Court Judgment)
- Ministério Público Federal, Conectas Direitos Humano, IDEC, et al. v Abbott Laboratórios do Brasil Ltda., União Federal. 5th Federal Appellate Court of 1st Federal Circuit, preliminary injunction judgment, Process No. 0023871-84.2006.4.01.0000 (2006.1.0.022732-8), judge Selene Maria de Almeida, July 11, 2006, D.O.E. Available at <> (Last visited November 21, 2012).
- (cited: Ministério Público Federal v Abbott, Preliminary Injunction Appellate Court Judgment)
- Novartis International Pharmaceutical v. ANVISA. Federal Appellate Court for the 2nd Circuit TRF-2, Appeal No. 2004.51.01.517054-0, judge Liliane Roriz, May 7, 2010, D.J.E.
- (cited: Novartis v. ANVISA, Appellate Court Judgement)
- F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG. v ANVISA and INPI. Federal Appellate Court for the 2nd Circuit TRF-2, Appeal No. 2004.51.01.506840-0, judge Guilherme Calmon Nogueira da Gama, January 30, 2008, D.J.U.
- (cited: F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG. v ANVISA and INPI, Appellate Court Judgment)
- Aventis Pharma S.A. v ANVISA and INPI. Federal Appellate Court for the 2nd Circuit TRF-2, Appeal No. 2004.51.01.513854-1, judge Marcia Helena Nunes, July 31, 2008, D.J.U.
- (cited: Aventis Pharma S.A. v ANVISA and INPI, Appellate Court Judgment)
- Abbot Laboratories v Aurobindo Pharma Limited et al. 13th Trial Court of São Paulo, Lawsuit No. 583.00.2005.020816, judge André Gustavo Civdanes Furlan, September 22, 2005, D.O.S.P.
- (cited: Abbot v Aurobindo et al, Trial Court Judgement)
- Galena Química e Farmacêutica Ltda v Pharmaspecial Especialidades Químicas Farmacêuticas Ltda. 9th Private Law Appellate Court of São Paulo, Appeal No. 0272901-70.2009.8.26.0000, judge João Carlos Garcia, June 7, 2011, D.O.S.P.
- (cited: Galena v Pharmaspecial, Appeallate Court Judgement)
- Taurus Blindagens Ltda. v Pier Luigi Nava. Appellate Court of Rio Grande do Sul, Appeal No. 00598358844, judge Antonio Correa Palmeiro da Fontoura, October 31, 2001, D.O.R.S.
- (cited: Taurus Blindagens Ltda. v Pier Luigi Nava, Appellate Court Judgement)
- Superior Court of Justice, 3rd Panel, Justice Nancy Andrighi, REsp 960728/RJ, April 15, 2009, D.J.e.
- (cited: Superior Court of Justice, REsp 960.728)
- Superior Court of Justice, 3rd Panel, Justice Sidnei Beneti, REsp 806147/RJ, December 18, 2009, D.J.e.
- (cited: Superior Court of Justice, REsp 806.147)
- Superior Court of Justice, 2nd Group of Panels, Justice João Otavio de Noronha, REsp 642213/RJ, August 2, 2010, D.J.e.
- (cited: Superior Court of Justice, REsp 642.213)
- Superior Court of Justice, 3rd Panel, Justice Sidnei Beneti, AgRg no REsp 1105155/RJ, August 1, 2011, D.J.e.
- (cited: Superior Court of Justice, AgRg no REsp 1.105.155)
- Superior Court of Justice, 4th Panel, Justice Luis Felipe Salomão, REsp 609.047/SP, November 16, 2009, D.J.e.
- (cited: Superior Court of Justice, REsp 609.047, American Home Products Corp. v LDZ)
- Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltda v. Diretoria Colegiada da ANVISA. 7th Federal Court of the Federal District, Process No. 2009.34.0.037369-9, judge José Marcio da Silveira e Silva, August 26, 2010, D.J.e.
- (cited: Takeda v. ANIVSA, Trial Court Judgment)
- Nippon Soda Co. Ltda. v União Federal and Agripec Química Farmacêutica S/A. J.F.D.F., 3rd Federal Court of the Federal District, Process No. 2007.34.0.022422-3, judge Bruno César Bandeira Apolinário, June 23, 2009, D.J.e.
- (cited: Nippon Soda Co. Ltda. v União Federal and Agripec Química Farmacêutica S/A, Trial Court Judgement)
- Nippon Soda Co. Ltda. v União Federal and Agripec Química Farmacêutica S/A. Federal Appellate Court for the 1st Circuit, Appeal No. 2007.34.0.022422-3, judge José Amilcar Machado, judgement pending. Available at <> (Last visited June 29, 2012).
- (cited: Nippon Soda Co. Ltda. v União Federal and Agripec Química Farmacêutica S/A, Appeallate Court Proceeding)
- Merck Frosst Canada Ltd v. ANVISA. Federal Appellate Court for the 1st Circuit, Appeal No. 0070304-44.2009.4.01.000, judge Jirair Aram Meguerian, March 28, 2011, D.J.E.
- (cited: Merck Frosst v. ANVISA, Appellate Court Judgement)
- Emplal Embalagens Plásticas v. Mil Plast Comércio de Plástico. Appellate Court of São Paulo, Appeal No. 005.614-4/3-00, judge Cesar Lacerda, November 19, 1997, D.O.S.P.
- (cited: Emplal v. Mil Past, Appellate Court Judgement)
- Isaías José Justino Júnior v. Gobi Refrigeração Indústria e Comércio. Appellate Court of São Paulo, Appeal No. 0011969-63.2009.8.26.0077, judge Grava Brasil, February 15, 2012, D.O.S.P.
- (cited: Isaías Júnior v. Gobi Refrigeração, Appellate Court Judgement)
- Elter Engenharia E Equipamentos Térmicos v. Coelma Construções Elétricas. Appellate Court of São Paulo, Appeal No. 0057028-68.1996.8.26.0000, judge Erbetta Filho, July 21st, 1998, D.O.S.P.
- (cited: Elter Engenharia v. Coelma Construções, Appellate Court Judgement)
- Ministério Público Federal v União Federal. J.F.D.F., 7th Federal Court of the Federal District, Process No. 46656-49.2011.4.01.3400, judge Novely Vilanova da S. Reis, August 29, 2011, D.J.e.
- (cited: Federal Prosecution Office v. Federal Union, Preliminary injunction decision)
- 3. United States of America cases
- United States Supreme Court, Quanta Computer Inc. v. LG Electronics Inc. case 06-937, Decision of June 9, 2008.
- (cited: Quanta v. LGE)
- United States Supreme Court, Costco Wholesale Corporation v. Omega S.A., case 08-1423, Decision of December 13, 2010.
- (Cited: Costco v. Omega)
- United States Supreme Court, Winans v. Denmead, 56 U.S. Reports, (15 Howard) page 330, Dec. February 9, 1854.
- (cited: Supreme Court, Winans v. Denmead)
- United States Supreme Court, Graver Tam & Mfg. Co. v. Linde Air Products. Co., 339 U. S. Reports, page 605, Dec. May 29, 1950.
- (cited: Supreme Court, Graver Tam & Mfg v. Linde Air Products)
- United States Supreme Court, Warner-Jenkinson Company, Inc. v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co., case 95-728, Dec. March 3, 1997.
- (cited: Supreme Court, Warner-Jenkinson Company v. Hilton Davis Chemical)
- Unites States Supreme Court, Festo Corp. v Shoketsu Kinzoku Kogyo Kabushiki Co., case 00-1543, Dec. May 28, 2002.
- (cited: Supreme Court, Festo Corp. v Shoketsu Kinzoku Kogyo Kabushiki)
- United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Jazz Photo Corporation v. International Trade Commission, case 264 F.3d 1094, Decision of August 21, 2001.
- United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Fujifilm Corporation v. Benun, Jazz and Polytech, case 605 F.3d 1366, Decision of May 17, 2010.
- United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Ninestar Technology v. International Trade Commission, case 09-1549, Decision of February 8, 2012.
- 4. Other cases
- European Patent Office, Transgenic plant/NOVARTIS II, case G1/98, Decision of the Enlarged Boards of Appeal, of December 20, 1999. Available at <> (Last visited May 9, 2012).
- European Patent Office, Broccoli/PLANT BIOSCIENCE, case G2/07, Decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeals consolidating proceedings of cases G2/07 and G1/08, of December 9, 2010. Available at <> (Last visited May 9, 2012).
- European Patent Office, Dosage regime/ABBOTT RESPIRATORY, case G2/08, Decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeals, of February 19, 2010. Available at <> (Last visited July 3, 2012).
- (cited: EPO, Abbott Respiratory (G2/08))
- European Court of Justice, Merck Genéricos – Produtos Farmacêuticos Ltda v. Merck & Co. Inc. and Merck Sharp & Dohme Ltda, Case C 431/05, judgement of Sep 11, 2007, available at <> (Last visited May 6, 2012).
- European Court of Justice, Centrafarm BV and Adriaan de Peijper v Sterling Drug Inc., Case C 15/74, judgement of October 31, 1974, available at <!celexplus!prod!CELEXnumdoc&lg=en&numdoc=61974J0015> (Last visited May 21, 2012).
- European Court of Justice, Merck & Co. Inc. v Stephar BV and Petrus Stephanus Exler, Case C 187/80, judgment of July 14, 1981, available at <!celexplus!prod!CELEXnumdoc&numdoc=61980J0187&lg=en> (Last visited May 21, 2012).
- European Court of Justice, Pharmon BV v Hoechst AG., Case C 19/84, judgment of July 9, 1985, available at <> (Last visited May 21, 2012).
- European Court of Justice, Merck & Co. Inc., Merck Sharp & Dohme Ltd and Merck Sharp & Dohme International Services BV v Primecrown Ltd, Ketan Himatlal Mehta, Bharat Himatlal Mehta and Necessity Supplies Ltd and Beecham Group plc v Europharm of Worthing Ltd, Joined Cases C 267/95 and C 268-95, judgment of December 5, 1996, available at <!celexplus!prod!CELEXnumdoc&lg=en&numdoc=61995J0267> (Last visited May 21, 2012).
- Supreme Court of Japan, BBS Kraftfahrzeug Technik AG, BBS Japan Kabushiki Kaisha, Washimayor Kabushiki Kaisha v. Kabushiki Kaisha Racimex Japan, The Third Petty Bench of the Supreme Court, judgment of July 1, 1997, available at <> (Last visited June 16, 2012).
- Supreme Court of Germany, Exhaustion of Patent Rights, Burden of proof – X ZR 61/98 – "Karate", German Supreme Court, Dec. 14, 1999, IIC, vol. 32, n. 6, 2001, p. 685-693.
- (cited: German Supreme Court – "Karate", case X ZR 61/98, of Dec. 14, 1999).
- German Federal Supreme Court, Clinical Trials I, Case No. X ZR 99/92, Dec. July 11, 1995, IIC, vol. 28, n. 1-3, 1997.
- (cited: Federal Supreme Court, Clinical Trials I)
- German Federal Supreme Court, Clinical Trials II Case No. X ZR 68/94, Dec. April 17, 1997.
- (cited: Federal Supreme Court, Clinical Trials II)
- German Federal Supreme Court, Molded Curbstone, Case No. X ZR 28/85), Dec. April 29, 1986, IIC, vol. 18, n. 6, 1987, p. 795.
- (cited: German Federal Supreme Court, Molded Curbstone)
- German Federal Supreme Court, Schneidmesser (Cutting blade) I, Case No. X ZR 168/00, Dec. March 12, 2002, IIC, vol. 33, n. 7, 2002, p. 873.
- (cited: German Federal Supreme Court, Cutting blade I)
- German Federal Supreme Court, Schneidmesser (Cutting blade) II, Case No. X ZR 135/01, Dec. March 12, 2002, published GRUR 2002, 519.
- (cited: German Federal Supreme Court, Cutting blade II)
- German Federal Supreme Court, Kunststoffrohrteil (Plastic pipe), Case No. X ZR 43/01, Dec. March 12, 2002, IIC, vol. 34, n. 3, 2003, p. 309.
- (cited: German Federal Supreme Court, Plastic pipe)
- German Federal Supreme Court, Custodiol I, Case No. X ZB 12/00, Dec. March 12, 2002, published GRUR 2002, 523.
- (cited: German Federal Supreme Court, Custodiol I)
- German Federal Supreme Court, Custodiol II, Case No. X ZR 73/01, Dec. March 12, 2002, IIC, vol. 34, n. 2, 2003, p. 197.
- (cited: German Federal Supreme Court, Custodiol II)