Flows of Chilean Water Governance
Social Innovations in Defiance of Mistrust and Fragmented Institutions
Diese Studie untersucht die Transformation zu nachhaltiger Wasser-Governance anhand eines sozial-ökologischen Konflikts in Petorca (Chile). Die Autorin deckt die Mechanismen hinter einer marktbasierten institutionellen Struktur auf, die das Vertrauen zwischen den Akteuren schwächen sowie Kooperationen unterbinden und analysiert, inwiefern soziale Innovationen diese Mechanismen überwinden. Basierend auf einer Fallstudie mit umfangreicher qualitativer Interviewanalyse trägt die Arbeit sowohl zum theoretischen Diskurs des Institutionalismus und sozialer Innovationen als auch zu einer breiteren Diskussion über nachhaltige Wasser-Governance bei.
Die Autorin ist promovierte Politikwissenschaftlerin mit Schwerpunkt auf nachhaltiger (Raum-) Entwicklung und langjähriger internationaler Arbeitserfahrung insbesondere in Bezug auf Chile.
This study takes a socio-ecological conflict in Petorca (Chile) as a reasonable example with which to discuss the facilitators and pitfalls of the transition towards sustainable water governance. It uncovers the mechanisms behind a market-based institutional structure that weakens trust between actors and impedes cooperation, and it analyses the ways in which social innovations overcome these mechanisms. Based on case study research with extensive qualitative interview analysis, this work contributes not only to the theoretical discourse on institutionalism and social innovations, but also to a broader discussion on sustainable water governance.
The author holds a PhD in political science, which focuses on sustainable (spatial) development, and has long-standing international working experience in particular with regard to Chile.
Nachhaltigkeit Sustainability Konflikt Chile Netzwerk water governance Regime Wasser-Governance soziale Innovationen actor-centered institutionalism nachhaltige Wasserwirtschaft ökologische Ressourcen sozio-ökologisches System socio-ecological system global water crises Petorca Wasserkonflikt Water Conflict fragmented institutions institutionalism Akteurszentrierter Institutionalismus Ostrom Sozialökologische Systeme socio-ecological systems mistrustKeywords
social innovations- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 60–67 6. Hypotheses 60–67
- 68–171 Part 3: Results 68–171
- 172–235 Part 4: Discussion 172–235
- 236–243 Part 5: Conclusions 236–243
- 236–238 9. Empirical findings 236–238
- 244–259 References 244–259
- 260–260 Annex 260–260
12 Treffer gefunden
- „... collective use of natural resources. Following this, I concentrate on institutionalism to make an in-depth ...” „... institutionalism and their connection to socioecological systems. Furthermore, an explanation why I chose the SESF ...” „... (Schulze 1997) and, consequently, become labeled New Institutionalism (Schulze 1997, March and Olsen 1984 ...”
- „... ; de Koning, Jessica (2015): Furthering Critical Institutionalism. In International Journal of the ...” „... ; Maganga, Faustin (2013): Critical institutionalism: a synthesis and exploration of key themes. In ...” „... Institutionalisms. In MPIFG Discussion Paper 96 (6), 1–32. Hardin, Garrett (1968): The tragedy of the commons. In ...”
- „... theory applied is based on sociological institutionalism and Critical Institutionalism (cf. chapter 5 ...” „... cooperation. Part 2: Conceptual framework and theoretical background 62 Institutionalism aims at ...” „... social-ecological system framework (SESF) of Ostrom (2007, 2009) and actor-centered institutionalism (AI) by Mayntz ...”
- „... socio-ecological system and institutionalism in by applying a synthesis of two well-known analytical frameworks ...” „... (social-ecological system framework (SESF) by Ostrom (2007, 2009) and actor-centered institutionalism (AI) by Mayntz ...” „... social innovations research and critical institutionalism, it proves that the selected analytical ...”
- „... research. It contributes to studies of socio-ecological system and institutionalism in by applying a ...” „... (2007, 2009) and actor-centered institutionalism (AI) by Mayntz and Scharpf (1995)). In this way, my ...” „... institutionalism, it proves that the selected analytical framework is flexible enough to adapt to the current ...”
- „... Ostrom’s social-ecological system framework to this study 46 5.2 Actor-centered institutionalism in the ...” „... Asociaciones de Canalistas (Canal Aassociation) AI Actor-centered institutionalism (Mayntz and Scharf 1995 ...”
- „... institutionalism, commons governance and social-ecological systems were reviewed. After doing so, a synthesis of ...” „... the actor-centered institutionalism (AI) by Mayntz and Scharpf (1995) for further causal ...”
- „... definition of institutions in this study follows the concept of Actor-Centered Institutionalism (Mayntz and ...”
- „... orientation of interaction according to Mayntz and Scharpfs (1995) actor-centered institutionalism and social ...” „... institutionalism by Mayntz and Scharpf (1995). Coding was done with MAXQDA 2018 and has several sub-categories. In ...”
- „... governance and institutionalism from a critical perspective, focusing on socioecological systems ...”
- „... ; McGinnis and Ostrom 2014) and actor-centered institutionalism (AI) by Mayntz and Scharpf (1995). The ...”
- „... social-ecological system framework (SESF) of Ostrom (2007, 2009) and actor-centered institutionalism (AI) by Mayntz ...” „... critical institutionalism as a base, this subchapter displays path dependencies of the historical ...”