Tatort Ost
Darstellung von Recht und Unrecht in Fernsehkrimiserien der DDR
Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort and "Polizeiruf 110", the popular crime series of the GDR, are meticulously evaluated: The author introduces us into the depictions of everyday life in the GDR they created and leads us through the dominant chains of motifs of the grand narrative of the superior socialist society, in which, for example, "the "intellectual" and the "misunderstood artist" become potentially dangerous figures. It is the incidentals and omissions that tell us more than the manifest criminal history, as long as we employ the analytical category of law in critically reading the self-descriptions of a society. This is where the real narrator exposes himself: an almost mythical figure, namely a GDR society that relentlessly reveals its own weaknesses to itself.
Recht Kritik DDR DDR-Fernsehen Lebenswelten Selbstbeschreibungen Fernsehserien Sozialistische Gesellschaft Polizeiruf 110 Kriminalfilme Medienanalyse Gesellschaftliche Narrative Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort- 14–14 Danksagung 14–14
- 15–18 Einleitung 15–18
- 269–294 Literaturverzeichnis 269–294
- 295–302 Anhang: Filmliste 295–302