The Three Apostles of Russian Music looks at three figures in the Soviet avant-garde who led modernist music in the 1920s. Mosolov, Popov, and Roslavets were popular composers who are now unfortunately forgotten. These remarkable musicians produced compositions like the sensational machine music Foundry by Mosolov. The first symphony by Popov attracted musicians in Europe and America but was banned after the premiere, while Roslavets discovered serialism before Schoenberg, opening up a new trend in modernism. This book is the first study in English of the work, lives, and legacies of these “apostles” of the Russian avant-garde.
Music and Machines 20th-Century Russian Music Avant-garde Music Futurism and Symbolism Soviet Music Russian Avant-Garde- i–xii Preface i–xii
- 1–16 Introduction 1–16
- 307–338 Conclusion 307–338
- 339–348 Bibliography 339–348
- 349–358 Catalog of Works 349–358
- 359–366 Discography 359–366
- 367–384 Index 367–384
- 385–386 About the Author 385–386