This book utilizes collaborative autoethnography to examine transformations in health and aging among queer, trans, and intersex people in society. To this end, the authors each utilize their lived experiences as queer, trans, and/or intersex people to discuss inequalities and norms in U.S. healthcare. Further, they elaborate upon some ways U.S. healthcare systems may become more inclusive of queer, trans, and intersex populations over time. In so doing, they utilize the autoethnographic cases to illustrate and describe the complexities of sex, gender, and sexualities in health and aging as well as the ways such intricacies facilitate societal inequalities in health and aging.
LGBT aging LGBT health queer aging queer health queer studies intersex gender studies sociology of health health disparities medical sociology sexuality studies aging transgender health transgender studies- ii–viii Preface ii–viii
- 1–14 Introduction 1–14
- 69–78 Conclusions 69–78
- 89–96 Bibliography 89–96
- 97–98 Index 97–98
- 99–100 About the Authors 99–100