The Logic of Hungarian Political Development, 1990-2022: Historical and Political Perspectives is a departure from most of the works focused on contemporary Hungarian politics. Most tend to focus on describing the transition from democracy to autocracy, with a focus on Viktor Orbán and the construction of an illiberal regime. Ervin Csizmadia's book differs from this literature in its approach. How it could have happened in Hungary in the first place. To understand the essence of this, you must recognize the whole process of Hungarian political development. Csizmadia argues that patterns of the old Hungarian development have emerged in our time., which cannot be dismissed as archaic; are reviving the old patterns today are intriguing and we know very little about them.
Democratization Dominant Parties Orbanism Party Politics Political Actors Political Development Political History- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 1–8 Introduction 1–8
- 207–232 Bibliography 207–232
- 233–236 Index 233–236
- 237–238 About the Author 237–238