Best practices for nonprofits for long-term success in a rapidly changing world.
Building Smart Nonprofits: A Roadmap for Mission Success is a handbook of best practices nonprofits can use to improve sustainability - a book of knowledge and know-how distilled from interviews with over 60 industry leaders who are in the nonprofit trenches every day—as executives, leaders, board members, funders, publishers, and service providers.
David J. O’Brien and Matthew D. Craig provide real-life examples of nonprofits deploying best practices and emerging industry trends – such as the rise of socially conscious investing – to position their organizations for the long term. Topics include, among others, funding models, impact investing, compensation, strategic restructuring, leadership, full-cost grantmaking, program evaluation, storytelling, and financing. Readers learn how to best position their non-profit organization for a sustainable and long-term future.
Business Entrepreneur Non-Profit non-profit business starting a non-profit maintaining a non-profit fourth sector business practices- i–ix Preface i–ix
- 1–10 Introduction 1–10
- 137–160 7 Show Me the Numbers! 137–160
- 161–176 8 Tell Me a Story 161–176
- 193–198 10 It’s Out There 193–198
- 199–206 Acknowledgments 199–206
- 207–210 Websites 207–210
- 211–232 Notes 211–232
- 233–242 Bibliography 233–242
- 243–254 Index 243–254
- 255–255 About the Authors 255–255