Elementary Schoolers, Meet Media Literacy
How Teachers Can Bring Economics, Media, and Marketing to Life
In a world of media saturation, children today are not future consumers of information and goods, but targeted participants involved in a game in which they don’t know the rules or even that they are playing, yet one that will affect them throughout their lives. This teaching manual will help educators to not only introduce the concepts of economics, financial literacy, and media literacy to elementary students but supplies lessons designed to provide hands-on experiences recognizing, deconstructing, evaluating, and choosing for themselves whether to accept the tangible product or intangible message offered. The lessons help students to build a toolbox of analytical skills that they can carry with them and develop further throughout the rest of their lives to distinguish information from persuasion, from what people tell them they should believe to what the students, through critical thinking, decide is worthy of their belief.
advertisements advertising techniques FIRE movement media media analysis media literacy money lessons fake news finance for children finance for kids financial literacy communication economics for children economics for kids critical analysis- i–xii Preface i–xii
- 55–70 5 Coolness 55–70
- 91–100 7 An Age-Old Question 91–100
- 139–144 10 Telling the Truth 139–144
- 145–150 Glossary 145–150
- 151–152 Bibliography 151–152
- 153–154 About the Authors 153–154