This enlightening work investigates the history, incidence, and causes of a unique sexual lifestyle pursued by increasing numbers of couples. It is called by many names, and lived in a variety of ways by different couples. The most common terms used to describe it are 'hotwife' or 'cuckold lifestyle.' This sexual practice, a form of sexual nonmonogamy, is distinguished from swinging and polyamory in that the husband rarely seeks sexual contact outside the marriage except for participation in group sex with his wife and other men, while the wife is permitted and often encouraged to pursue unrestrained sexual encounters with other men. The author includes interviews and comments from couples living the lifestyle throughout the U.S., and presents the stories in an attempt to determine the history of this sexual practice and its role in society and in relationships. He explores the psychological, social, biological, and evolutionary underpinnings of this uncommon and socially taboo behavior in an effort to make it more comprehensible to those engaged in the lifestyle and those who are just curious.
adultery alternative sexuality open marriage voyeur voyeur with wife voyeurism sexual alternatives sexual lifestyle sharing my wife with other men watching my wife with other men making cuckolding work making open marriage work swingers swinging men who like to watch their wives with other men multiple partners threesome cheating wife getting my wife to swing letting my wife swing hot wife hotwife cuckold cuckolding- i–xvi Preface i–xvi
- 1–20 Chapter 1 1–20
- 21–46 Chapter 2 21–46
- 47–82 Chapter 3 47–82
- 83–116 Chapter 4 83–116
- 117–142 Chapter 5 117–142
- 143–160 Chapter 6 143–160
- 161–188 Chapter 7 161–188
- 189–216 Chapter 8 189–216
- 217–236 Chapter 9 217–236
- 237–258 Chapter 10 237–258
- 259–272 Chapter 11 259–272
- 273–282 Endnotes 273–282
- 283–288 Selected Bibliography 283–288
- 289–292 Index 289–292