Recht und Religionen

Edited by: Prof. Dr. Dieter Krimphove und Markus Globisch

Law and religions shape societies in many respects. The series Recht und Religionen is dedicated to the complex and ambivalent relationship between law and religious communities and denominations in the past, present and future. In order to do justice to this diversity of topics, the series combines expert contributions by renowned authors written from an inter- or transdisciplinary perspective. All disciplines with a close or broad connection to the topic are addressed: in addition to the relevant disciplines of law, theology, religious studies and philosophy, these include sociology, cultural studies, history, political science, education and art studies. Only in this way can the Recht und Religionen series live up to its goal and high standard of documenting the research fields of law and religions from multiple perspectives and in an up-to-date manner, as well as presenting new perspectives and research approaches to a broad audience.

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